Blogs, Social Media Marketing

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Understanding social media marketing

Remember when Facebook was just for poking classmates and sharing funny cat videos? Yeah, social media has come a long way. Today, it’s a goldmine for businesses looking to connect with potential customers and turn them into leads.

Think about it: over 5 billion people scroll through their social feeds every day. That’s a massive audience for your business to tap into, if you know how to do it right. Here’s the good news: we’re about to break down tips to create a killer social media strategy that’s gonna turn your social media presence into a marketing powerhouse. 

Understanding Social Media Marketing Basics

For individuals like you and me, social media is merely where we connect with friends, share funny pet videos, or maybe catch up on the latest news. But for businesses, it’s become no less than a lead generation machine. Feeling overwhelmed by the jargon? Let’s break down the basics of social media marketing into bite-sized pieces.

Setting Up Your Store

Imagine social media as a huge digital town square, bustling with potential customers. Social media marketing is your way of setting up shop there. You create engaging content, like eye-catching posts, informative articles, or fun videos, to grab attention. Think of it as a conversation starter with your target audience.

Spreading the Word with Social Media Ads

Now, let’s talk about getting the word out. Social media ads are like flashy billboards but on social media feeds. You pay a platform to display your content to a very specific group of people you know would be interested. Think of it like targeting sports fans if you’re selling sneakers. The goal is to get them to click on your ad and learn more about your business.

Turning Clicks into Connections

But your marketing journey doesn’t stop there. Once you’ve sparked your audience’s interest, it’s time to turn those clicks into something more valuable. That’s where lead generation comes in. Leads are individuals who may eventually become customers. 

It’s like collecting business cards at a networking event. You offer something of value, like a free guide or a discount code, in exchange for their email address or contact information. By doing so, you can laser focus on contacting individuals who are actually interested in your services rather than taking your chance with cold calling. 

Understanding Your Traffic

There are different ways people can find your online store (your website or social media page) – just like there are different ways people might arrive at your physical store. Organic traffic comes from people who stumble upon your content naturally, for example by searching for relevant keywords on search engines or following social media links shared by their connections. 

Paid traffic comes from those eye-catching ads you placed online. Referral traffic arrives from links on other websites or recommendations from friends. And direct traffic comes from loyal customers who know exactly where to find you. 

A well-rounded social media marketing strategy will leverage a combination of these traffic sources to keep your audience engaged and your business thriving. 

What is a Social Media Marketing Strategy?

How does walking into a crowded room where you don’t know anyone feel? Quite uncertain and confusing, right? That’s what it’s like for a business trying to market on social media without a strategy. A social media promotion strategy serves as a roadmap, detailing how a business will utilize its social media accounts to achieve its marketing goals.

Social media is a bustling marketplace with billions of potential customers. Businesses of all shapes and sizes – a whopping 76% according to a recent study – are using it to connect with their audience. But standing out requires focus and planning. 

A social media strategy does just that. It helps you steer your brand towards the right audience, with the right content, on the right platforms. With a solid b2c or b2b social media strategy in place, you can turn casual scrollers into brand advocates and ultimately, loyal customers. 

Infographic for social media marketing

How To Create A Small Business Social Media Advertising Strategy

Creating a successful social media strategy is all about understanding your audience, setting clear goals, and consistently posting engaging content that aligns with your brand’s message. It involves choosing the right platforms, utilizing data-driven insights, and actively engaging with your followers to build meaningful relationships and drive business growth. 

If you’re a business owner planning to reach out to a wider audience, here’s a step by step guide into creating a marketing strategy on your own. 

1. Know Your Audience

Getting to know your audience is the number one step that makes or breaks any marketing strategy. It determines everything related to the next steps -what platform to use, what type of ad to play, the kind of content you must generate -everything!

Here’s how to unlock the secrets of your audience:

  • Dig Deep:  

Sure, age and location are a starting point, but social media lets you dig deeper. Look beyond the basics. What are your ideal customers passionate about? What are their hobbies and interests? Most platforms offer analytics tools that shed light on your followers’ demographics and interests. Think of it like having a secret decoder ring to understand who your online community is.

Social media analytics tools are like super helpful assistants who track everything that happens on your social media pages. They collect data on how people interact with your content, from likes and comments to clicks and shares. This lets you see what’s working and what’s not, so you can adjust your strategy for better results. Here’s what these tools can tell you:

  • Engagement All-Stars: Did your latest post spark a lively conversation? Analytics tools measure engagement rates, showing you how many people liked, commented on, or shared your content.
  • Click Magnet: How many people clicked on the link in your bio or that eye-catching ad? Click-through rates (CTR) tell you how effective your posts are at driving people to your website or landing page.
  • Growing Your Tribe: Is your social media following expanding? Analytics tools track follower growth, so you can see if your efforts are attracting new fans.

By using these insights, you can make data-driven decisions about your b2c or b2b social media strategy. No more guessing games – analytical tools give you the power to optimize your content and reach your target audience more effectively.

  • Pain Point Power: 

Not all heroes wear capes. In social media marketing, you become the hero by understanding your audience’s struggles. Are they frustrated with slow internet speeds? Are they suffering constant hair loss? Whatever their pain points, uncover them and find ways to solve it!  This lets you create content that offers solutions and declares you as their personal guide online.

  • Speak Their Language:

Jargon is the enemy of engagement! Talk to your audience in a way they understand. Are they all about emojis and trending memes, or do they prefer in-depth articles and insightful reports? Knowing their communication style helps you craft content they’ll not only see, but actively engage with.

By taking the time to understand your target audience, you can craft an organic social media strategy that speaks directly to them. Remember, social media is a conversation, and the key to a good conversation is knowing who you’re talking to!

Social media platforms for lead generation

2. Selecting The Right Social Media Platform

Your social media profile is nothing less than a digital storefronts for your business. Now you wouldn’t open a clothing store in the middle of a fish market would you? After collecting all the insights about your audience, determine the social media platform that would be the best to target them. Here’s a cheat sheet to get you started:

  • Facebook: The ultimate social butterfly. Facebook boasts a massive and diverse audience across all age groups, making it a great all-rounder for most businesses.
  • Instagram: All about aesthetics! If your brand is visually appealing, like fashion or home decor, Instagram is your playground. It’s perfect for showcasing stunning photos and creative content.
  • Twitter:  The live stream of conversations. Twitter lets you tap into real-time trends and discussions. Perfect for engaging with your audience in the moment and building a sense of community.
  • LinkedIn:  The professional connector. This platform is a goldmine for B2B connections. Target your message to specific industries and job titles with laser focus.
  • TikTok:  The hangout for Gen Z. If your target audience is young and tech-savvy, TikTok might be your secret weapon. This platform thrives on short, trendy video content, so get creative!

3. Optimizing Your Profile

Since social media is your digital forefront, it requires as much maintenance and upkeep as your physical one does. How? By optimizing your profile! The first impression matters here which is why it’s your prime opportunity to grab attention, showcase your brand’s value, and ultimately, turn window-shoppers into loyal customers. Here are a few tips to optimize your profiles for maximum impact.

  • Visually Striking Storefront:  Ditch the blurry photos and pixelated logos! Invest in high-quality visuals that showcase your brand personality and the products or services you offer. Think of it as using eye-catching displays to entice potential customers to step inside.
  • Compelling Brand Story, Not a Boring Bio: Write a short and captivating description that tells your brand story. No one likes to read long paragraphs. Highlight the value you provide and what sets you apart. 
  • Speak the Search Engine Language:  Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your profile descriptions. This helps potential customers discover you when they search for related products or services on social media platforms. 
  • Make it Easy to Connect and Convert:  Include clear contact information and links to your website or targeted landing pages. The easier it is for people to find you, the better!  

Bonus Tip -Social Proof Powerhouse: Showcase positive customer reviews, testimonials, or case studies on your profiles. Social proof builds trust and credibility, further persuading potential customers to choose you.  

Designing a social media marketing strategy

4. Creating Compelling Social Media Content Strategy

In the social media kingdom, content is the ruler. It’s what keeps your audience engaged, entertained, and ultimately, loyal subjects. Here’s how to craft a social media content strategy fit for royalty:

  • Become an Information Powerhouse

Share informative blog posts, insightful videos, eye-catching infographics, and captivating podcasts. Provide valuable resources that answer your audience’s burning questions and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Infographics and data visualizations can present complex information in a clear and concise way. Charts, graphs, and icons allow viewers to quickly grasp the key takeaways, making your content more digestible and memorable.

  • The Emotional Bridge

Weave storytelling into your content to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Share relatable anecdotes, customer success stories, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses to evoke emotions and build genuine connections.

Visuals have the power to evoke emotions and create a lasting impression. A funny meme can spark laughter and make your brand more relatable. A heartwarming video can tug at heartstrings and build a deeper connection with your audience.

  • User-Generated Content

UGC stands for User-Generated Content. It’s basically any content that’s created by your audience about your brand and shared online. Think of it as your customers or fans raving about you on social media! This could be anything from positive reviews and photos to funny memes or creative videos featuring your product.

Showcase user-generated content and positive testimonials on your social media platforms. Social proof builds trust and credibility,  acting like glowing recommendations from loyal subjects that convince others to join your court.

  • Consistency is Key

Don’t be a ghost king! Maintain a consistent posting schedule to stay visible and relevant in the ever-scrolling social media feed. Regularly scheduled content ensures your audience remembers you and keeps your brand top-of-mind. But don’t over-post and annoy your audience either. Keep it balanced.

5. Engaging and Interacting

Social media isn’t a one-way broadcast channel; it’s a vibrant two-way street where conversations and connections are key. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Show your audience you care about what they have to say. A quick “thank you” for a compliment or a thoughtful answer to a question goes a long way in building trust and loyalty.

Moreover, don’t just post content and disappear. Encourage conversation by asking questions, running polls, and soliciting feedback. This could be anything from “What challenges are you facing with your hair?” to “Which new candy flavor would you love to see?” Interactive elements keep your audience engaged and provide valuable insights into their needs and preferences.

Pro Tip: Go beyond surface-level interactions. Use social media listening tools to track brand mentions, industry trends, and competitor activity. These tools help you understand the online conversation surrounding your brand and identify potential areas for improvement. Imagine them as eavesdroppers, telling you about what people say about you.

Social media ad campaigns

6. Create & Run Your Ads Campaign

Organic reach is great, but imagine having a bullhorn to amplify your message! Paid advertising on social media platforms allows you to reach a wider audience and target specific groups of people most likely to be interested in your brand. It’s like laser-focusing your marketing efforts for maximum impact.

Here’s a brief example of how you run ads on Facebook. 

  1. Setting Up Your Facebook Ads Manager Account
  • You’ll need a Facebook account to get started. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create one first.
  • Navigate to Facebook and click on “Create Account.” This will guide you through setting up a Facebook Business Manager account. This account will be the central hub for managing your Facebook ads and other business tools.
  1. Choosing Your Objective
  • Once you’re logged into your Facebook Ads Manager, it’s time to decide what you want your ad campaign to achieve. Facebook offers various campaign objectives, each designed for a specific outcome. Here are some common ones:
    • Brand Awareness: Increase brand recognition and reach a wider audience.
    • Consideration: Drive traffic to your website or app, or generate leads.
    • Conversion: Encourage users to take a specific action, like making a purchase or signing up for a service.
  1. Targeting Time & Who Sees Your Ad?
  • This is where you define who will see your ad. Facebook’s powerful targeting options allow you to reach the right audience based on demographics (age, location, income), interests (hobbies, favorite brands), behaviors (online purchase history), and even custom audiences (people who have already interacted with your business on Facebook).
  1. Budget & Schedule: Setting the Stage for Success
  • Decide how much you’re willing to spend on your ad campaign and for how long you want it to run. You can set a daily or total budget, and your ad will be delivered accordingly.
  1. Crafting Your Ad: The Creative Corner
  • Here’s where you get to unleash your creativity! You’ll need to create your ad itself, which can include:
    • Images or Videos: Choose high-quality visuals that are eye-catching and relevant to your target audience and campaign objective.
    • Headline: Write a clear and concise headline that grabs attention and entices users to click.
    • Body Text: Provide a brief description of your product or service and highlight its benefits.
    • Call to Action: Tell users what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, downloading an app, or making a purchase.
  1. Launch and Monitor: Analyzing Your Results
  • Once you’re satisfied with your ad creation, it’s time to launch your campaign! Facebook Ads Manager provides analytics tools that allow you to track your ad’s performance. You can see metrics like impressions (how many times your ad was seen), clicks, conversions, and cost per click. By monitoring these metrics, you can see what’s working and adjust your campaign accordingly for optimal results.

Bonus Tip: A/B testing is your friend! Try running variations of your ad with different headlines, images, or calls to action to see which version performs best. This helps you refine your ad and maximize its effectiveness.

Social Media Strategy Template

Feeling overwhelmed by the social media jungle? Breathe easy!  Advertyzed is here with a Social Media Strategy Template and a team of expert social media warriors to vanquish your worries. 

  1. Executive Summary
  • Purpose: Provide a brief overview of the social media strategy and its main objectives.
  • Goals: List the primary goals of the social media campaign (e.g., increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads).
  • Key Metrics: Identify the metrics that will be used to measure success (e.g., engagement rate, follower growth, conversion rate).
  1. Audience Research
  • Target Audience: Describe the target audience(s) based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points.
  • Audience Insights: Include any insights gathered from analytics or market research.
  1. Competitive Analysis
  • Competitors: List main competitors and their social media presence.
  • SWOT Analysis: Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to competitors.
  1. Social Media Audit
  • Current Performance: Review the performance of existing social media accounts.
  • Account Inventory: List all active social media accounts.
  • Content Performance: Analyze the performance of past content to identify what works and what doesn’t.
  1. Goals and Objectives
  • SMART Goals: Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your social media promotion strategy.
    • Example: Increase Instagram followers by 25% in the next six months.
  1. Social Media Content Strategy
  • Content Themes: Identify key themes and topics that will resonate with your target audience.
  • Content Types: Outline the types of content you will create (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics, user-generated content).
  • Content Calendar: Develop a content calendar to schedule posts consistently.
    • Example: Blog posts on Mondays, videos on Wednesdays, and infographics on Fridays.
  1. Platform Strategy
  • Platform Selection: Choose the social media platforms that align with your target audience and goals.
  • Platform-Specific Tactics: Outline specific tactics for each platform.
    • Example: Use Instagram Stories for behind-the-scenes content, LinkedIn for B2B marketing, Twitter for customer service.
  1. Engagement Strategy
  • Community Management: Plan for monitoring and responding to comments, messages, and mentions.
  • Engagement Tactics: Define tactics to increase engagement, such as running polls, contests, or Q&A sessions.
  1. Paid Advertising Strategy
  • Ad Types: Identify the types of ads you will use (e.g., sponsored posts, carousel ads, video ads).
  • Budget Allocation: Allocate budget for different platforms and campaigns.
  • Targeting Options: Define your audience targeting criteria for ads.
  1. Influencer Collaboration
  • Influencer Identification: Identify potential influencers who align with your brand values.
  • Collaboration Strategy: Outline how you will collaborate with influencers (e.g., sponsored posts, product reviews, giveaways).
  1. Measurement and Analytics
  • KPIs: List key performance indicators to track progress (e.g., engagement rate, follower growth, conversion rate).
  • Reporting Schedule: Establish a schedule for regular performance reporting (e.g., weekly, monthly).
  • Analytics Tools: Identify tools you will use to track and analyze performance (e.g., Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Sprout Social).
  1. Continuous Improvement
  • Feedback Loop: Set up a process for gathering feedback from the audience and team members.
  • Strategy Adjustment: Plan for regular reviews and adjustments to the strategy based on performance data and feedback.
  1. Budget
  • Budget Breakdown: Provide a detailed breakdown of the budget allocated for social media activities.
    • Example: $2,000 for paid ads, $500 for content creation, $300 for tools and software.
  1. Team Roles and Responsibilities
  • Team Members: List team members involved in the social media strategy and their roles.
  • Responsibilities: Define specific responsibilities for each team member.
    • Example: Content creator, community manager, analytics specialist.
  1. Approval Process
  • Approval Workflow: Outline the workflow for content creation, review, and approval.
  • Stakeholders: Identify stakeholders who need to approve content.

This template provides a comprehensive framework to develop and implement an effective social media strategy tailored to your business goals and audience needs.

Trust Advertyzed’s Social Media Marketing Gurus to Handle It For You

Don’t waste time deciphering social media complexities. Let Advertyzed be your hero! Our social media advertising experts take the reins, crafting a winning strategy tailored to your brand. We navigate the ever-changing landscape, from profile optimization to content creation. Whether you lack the time or feel overwhelmed by the instructions, we handle everything.  

So, ditch the hard work and skip the social media learning curve! Consider us your one-stop shop for social media domination. Fill out our Social Media Strategy Template and we’ll craft a winning strategy that gets you seen, heard, and followed. Together, let’s turn your brand into a social media legend!

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